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Pneumokokken-Impfung bei Kindern: keine relevante Herdenimmunität nachweisbar

Eine große (N =47.000) finnische Studie untersuchte gezielt die erhofften Herdenimmuntät durch die in Finnland verwendete 10-fache Pneumokokken-Impfung bei Kindern (PCV10 - entspricht im Wesentlichen der PCV13, die in D verwendet wird).

In "Clustern" wurden Kinder entweder mit der PCV10 oder alternativ mit einem Hepatitis A/B-Impfstoff geimpft. Zwischen 2010 und 2015 wurde die Häufigkeit typischer Pneumokokken-Erkrankungen in der ungeimpften Bevölkerung um die jeweiligen Cluster herum den finnischen Registerdaten entnommen.

Obwohl die Studie von GlaxoSmithKline finanziert wurde konnte kein signifikanter, nachhaltiger Effekt der PCV10 im Sinne einer Herdenimmunität (also als Schutz der ungeimpften Bevölkerung durch die Impfung der Studienteilnehmer) nachgewiesen werden.


Evaluation of the indirect impact of the 10-valent pneumococcal Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine in a cluster-randomised trial | PLOS ONE

Background In the nation-wide double-blind cluster-randomised Finnish Invasive Pneumococcal disease trial (FinIP, NCT00861380, NCT00839254), we assessed the indirect impact of the 10-valent pneumococcal Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (PHiD-CV10) against five pneumococcal disease syndromes. Methods Children 6 weeks to 18 months received PHiD-CV10 in 48 clusters or hepatitis B/A-vaccine as control in 24 clusters according to infant 3+1/2+1 or catch-up schedules in years 2009―2011. Outcome data were collected from national health registers and included laboratory-confirmed and clinically suspected invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), hospital-diagnosed pneumonia, tympanostomy tube placements (TTP) and outpatient antimicrobial prescriptions. Incidence rates in the unvaccinated population in years 2010―2015 were compared between PHiD-CV10 and control clusters in age groups <5 and ≥5 years (5―7 years for TTP and outpatient antimicrobial prescriptions), and in infants <3 months. PHiD-CV10 was introduced into the Finnish National Vaccination Programme (PCV-NVP) for 3-month-old infants without catch-up in 9/2010. Results From 2/2009 to 10/2010, 45398 children were enrolled. Vaccination coverage varied from 29 to 61% in PHiD-CV10 clusters. We detected no clear differences in the incidence rates between the unvaccinated cohorts of the treatment arms, except in single years. For example, the rates of vaccine-type IPD, non-laboratory-confirmed IPD and empyema were lower in PHiD-CV10 clusters compared to control clusters in 2012, 2015 and 2011, respectively, in the age-group ≥5 years. Conclusions This is the first report from a clinical trial evaluating the indirect impact of a PCV against clinical outcomes in an unvaccinated population. We did not observe consistent indirect effects in the PHiD-CV10 clusters compared to the control clusters. We consider that the sub-optimal trial vaccination coverage did not allow the development of detectable indirect effects and that the supervening PCV-NVP significantly diminished the differences in PHiD-CV10 vaccination coverage between the treatment arms.
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Pneumokokken-Impfung bei Kindern: "es ist keine la...

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