Nachdem Covid19 aus medizinischer Sicht "durch" ist, hier jetzt also wieder das Thema Impfen in ganzer Breite...
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Cholera in Spanien - der erste einheimische Fall seit 40 Jahren... - update 23.06.2022: Regierung bestreitet die Berichte....


Spain detects first local infection with cholera since 1979 | Reuters

Spain has detected its first locally acquired case of cholera in over four decades, regional health authorities said on Wednesday, although the infected person has already recovered and no other cases have been reported in the meantime.

Update 23.06.2022 - ein nicht toxicogener Vibrionen-Stamm?


Spain denies regional report of first local cholera infection since 1979 | Reuters

Spain's national health ministry on Wednesday denied a report by regional counterparts that a case of locally acquired cholera had been detected for the first time in four decades, saying the case was in fact vibrio gastroenteritis.
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