Nachdem Covid19 aus medizinischer Sicht "durch" ist, hier jetzt also wieder das Thema Impfen in ganzer Breite...
Myokarditis nach Covid-mRNA-Impfstoffen - eine Übersicht über unser Nichtwissen
Ein Übersichtsartikel in nature aus der Feder von EMA-Autoren dekliniert akribisch unser Nichtwissen über Ursache und Pathomechanismen der Myocarditis nach den mRNA-Covid-Impfstoffen.
Wie beruhigend, dass die selbe EMA in den kommenden Tagen den nächsten mRNA-Impfstoff (mRESVIA™, gegen RSV) zulassen wird.
Myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccination | npj Vaccines
Following the start of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, the adverse events of myocarditis and pericarditis were linked mainly to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines by the regulatory authorities worldwide. COVID-19 vaccines have been administered to several million people and the risk of myocarditis post COVID-19 vaccination has been characterised in great detail. At the present time the research data available are scarce and there is still no clear understanding of the biological mechanism/s responsible for this disease. This manuscript provides a concise overview of the epidemiology of myocarditis and the most prominent mechanistic insights in the pathophysiology of the disease. Most importantly it underscores the needed next steps in the research agenda required to characterize the pathophysiology of this disease post-COVID-19 vaccination. Finally, it shares our perspectives and considerations for public health.
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