Nachdem Covid19 aus medizinischer Sicht "durch" ist, hier jetzt also wieder das Thema Impfen in ganzer Breite...
PIMS war vor allem ein Thema unter Alpha - Unter Delta und unter Omikron wesentlich weniger Fälle...
We found a significantly lower risk of PIMS-TS/MIS-C (post-covid hyper-inflammatory heart condition) with DELTA compared to ALPHA #SARSCoV2 variant in kids. This may provide a clue as to how the virus causes this rare condition
— Shamez Ladhani (@ShamezLadhani) March 16, 2022
Our preprint is now online👉
Lower Risk of Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS) with the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 | medRxiv
medRxiv - The Preprint Server for Health Sciences
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